In the heart of the lush landscapes of Bingiriya, nestled within the Kurunegala district of Sri Lanka, lies Heenpannawa village—a place that witnessed the birth of a visionary leader, G.D. Sarath Weerasiri, on March 22, 1973. As fate would have it, this serene locale would lay the foundation for a remarkable journey dedicated to fostering cooperative values and empowering communities locally and globally.
Weerasiri's commitment to cooperative principles began early in his career, marked by his ascension to the chairmanship of the Bingiriya Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society in 2008. Over fifteen years, his tenure saw transformative changes within the society, empowering local farmers, artisans, and entrepreneurs. Under his stewardship, the society became a beacon of sustainable development, offering financial services, agricultural support, and educational initiatives, uplifting countless lives in the region.
Weerasiri had aspirations beyond his village. In 2008, he
became the chairman of the Kuliyapitiya District Cooperative Council, which
expanded his influence to a wider geographical area. His leadership skills were
well-respected, as he was seen as both practical and empathetic in his support
for cooperative businesses. He led efforts to bridge the gap between urban and
rural communities and promoted strategies to encourage inclusive growth.
In recognition of his outstanding leadership and dedication
to the cooperative movement, Weerasiri was appointed as the Chairman of the
National Cooperative Council of Sri Lanka in 2020. This is a position of great
responsibility and influence, which he has carried out with relentless effort.
As Chairman, he has championed policy reforms, advocated for legislative
support, and amplified the voices of cooperative members across the country.
Under his guidance, the cooperative sector has flourished, becoming a
cornerstone of Sri Lanka's economic resilience and social cohesion.
Weerasiri's influence as the Zonal Director of the Asia
Pacific region for the International Cooperative Alliance extends beyond the
borders of his homeland. In this role, he has utilized his expertise and
insights to promote collaboration among cooperative enterprises across various
cultures and contexts. His efforts have strengthened the cooperative movement
in Asia Pacific and contributed to its global significance and influence.
Weerasiri's journey is a testament to the transformative
power of cooperative ideals and collective action. From the lush green fields
of Heenpannawa to the corridors of international cooperation, his unwavering
commitment to empowering communities and advancing social justice continues to
inspire generations. As he leads the cooperative movement, G.D. Sarath
Weerasiri remains a beacon of hope and progress, shaping a future where
solidarity and mutual aid are the cornerstones of sustainable development.